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We provide Advocacy, Services, Support, and Education for individuals living with hearing loss. Support CAI this Giving Tuesday with your best gift.  

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Did you know...

  • The recent CDC study failed to include Hearing Loss as a disability?

  • most people wait on average 10 years before addressing hearing loss issues
  • a 2013 study revealed that 43% of people with adult-onset hearing loss took early retirement due to frustration with poor communication in the workplace
  • decline in cognitive function occurs more rapidly and with more severity in people who do not address hearing loss
We're NOT ok with that!  We're working hard to help provide services and education which will help remove the stigma associated with hearing loss, allowing people to maintain their quality of life, in their workplaces, relationships, and everyday appointments and events.Please support CAI with your BEST gift!
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We seek to provide services and communication technologies for inclusion in every setting because hearing loss shouldn't mean exclusion.

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